It's not
"all in your head!"

Your symptoms are valid
and you deserve to be heard.

Click the link below to speak with Dr. Brandy Cummings, an expert reproductive clinician who understands that not everyone's postpartum symptoms look the same.

Schedule Your "Meet Dr. B" Call

The good news?

There are effective, research-based solutions for even the most stubborn, chronic postpartum symptoms.


Let's work together...

Quantum Motherhood Course


Hey mama, you're not alone on this journey! Quantum Motherhood is here to support you with practical, easy-to-implement strategies that work on a cellular level.

Whether you're struggling with fatigue, weight issues, or just feeling 'off,' we've got you covered.

Let's rediscover your vitality together!

  • 14 comprehensive modules on health improvement
  • Key topics: Light, EMFs, Hydration, Redox vs Detox
  • Includes Quick Start Guide and 14-day meal plan
  • Resource Guide with scientific articles and studies
  • Flexible pricing based on personal alignment
  • Created by Dr. Brandy Cummings, functional medicine practitioner
  • Designed for those who feel they've "tried everything"
  • Aims for significant health improvements in as little as two weeks
  • Focuses on subcellular health strategies


More Information



Pivotal Breakthrough


Take the first step to actually getting to the root cause of your symptoms. 

My philosophy might be different from other clinicians you’ve seen. 

I'm not interested in relying solely on supplements, strict diets, or protocols that are so complex you can't follow them. 

We will do a full case review and and assess:

  • Organ systems to prioritize
  • Lifestyle risk factors
  • What you've tried in the past
  • What you're currently trying
  • Top health goals 
  • Potential nutritional insufficiencies
  • A plan of action to get you jump started to a healthier life  







More Information

Unsure Which Service Is The Best Fit For You?

Click below, and I'll help you get the best results.


Client Testimonials


"I have learned so many life changing things from you!

I had been increasingly ill over several months. I contacted you after my HMO disregarded my concerns regarding the main health issue that was causing systemic infection affecting multiple bodily functions. You immediately validated my intuition, gave wonderful advice/guidance and provided comprehensive resources to assist healing of my specific healthcare needs."


"I had recently been diagnosed with Hashimotos, and experienced two miscarriages as a result. I was looking to find the root cause of my Hashimotos and learn ways to help my body heal itself.
After following your advice, I was so grateful when there was a profound difference within just a few days. Most of the symptoms were significantly reduced or disappeared altogether."


"After working together, I feel like a different person! I was barely functioning in my daily life by the time connected with each other.


I feel like I now have the energy to make & continue to make positive changes in my life. I can exercise without feeling like my muscles are being eaten away after exercising."

If You're Tired Of:

  • Being told it's all in your head
  • Still feeling terrible even though your lab tests look normal
  • Missing out on making memories in your children's lives
  • Being given antidepressants instead of getting the help you really need
  • Struggling through even the most simple everyday tasks 

Let's change that! 

Get Started

"Embrace your health as your most valuable asset; it is the foundation upon which all aspects of your life are built. Without it, every treasure becomes harder to enjoy. Prioritize it, cherish it, and watch as every facet of your existence transforms."

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