Are you struggling to feel your best and show up as the mom you want to be?

Do you feel like no matter what you do, the scale is moving in the wrong direction, you're tired, short-fused with your kids, and anxiety is high? 

Enroll in Quantum Motherhood

Quantum Motherhood will give you all the practical, easy to implement strategies needed to *finally* move the needle in your health on a sub-cellular level.


Created by functional medicine practitioner, Dr. Brandy Cummings. No gatekeeping here. This course has everything you need, even if you feel like you've tried "all the things."

Learn more about Dr. B here.

Imagine this for a moment...



A full night's rest and waking up ready to go



Dropping excess weight that hasn't been budging



Having enough energy to get through your day and play with your kids


Stable blood sugar. Not feeling "hangry" or tired after meals



Not being self-conscious about the breakouts on your skin


Not feeling bloated and having regular bowel movements


Everything that's included in the Quantum Motherhood Course:

    • Lifetime access to all 14 Quantum Motherhood modules with step-by-step guidance to improve your health. Example modules include:
      • Light: A focus on how a vital part to regulation of your circadian rhythm and leptin sensitivity is shielding your brain and eyes from artificial light. You’ll learn how to find balance via photobiomodulation. We also discuss how light can affect blood sugar and hormones.
      • Non-native EMFsIn this module you will learn how to protect yourself from NNEMFs since non-native electromagnetic frequencies can disrupt circadian rhythm, hormones, and brain function.
      • Hydration: Learn how cells shrink due to dehydration, altering the brain, cortisol, and signaling of metabolic responses to hormones - making it hard to maintain a healthy weight. Empower yourself with the knowledge that in our modern world, becoming dehydrated has more to do with water quality and structure, mineral balances, and external influences than how MUCH water you are drinking.
      • Redox vs Detox: In this section, learn how these two processes are interconnected and why redox balance is essential for proper detoxification. Complete this module with a higher understanding of both redox strategies and gentle daily detox methods that you can implement in your life.
    • You'll also receive a Quick Start Guide. This guide will give you a head start on achieving big wins before diving into the full course.
    • 14 days of meal ideas, making quantum eating easy, quick, and delicious.
    • And if you're someone who loves to dive deep into the science behind the quantum foundations of health, we've got you covered. The program also includes a Resource Guide, filled with articles, studies, and more to satisfy your inner nerd

So why wait? You deserve to feel good in your body now.


Yes! I'm in. Enroll in Quantum Motherhood now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Take control of your health and wellness today.


Enroll in Quantum Motherhood